BITS Meetings' Virtual Library:
Abstracts from Italian Bioinformatics Meetings from 1999 to 2013

766 abstracts overall from 11 distinct proceedings

Display Abstracts | Brief :: Order by Meeting | First Author Name
1. Filippini F, Rossi V, Picco R, Floriduz M, Naccari T, Carpi A, Budillon A, Vacca M, Gianfrancesco F, Ciccodicola A, D'Urso M
From comparative genomics to ‘molecular bioinformatics’: an integrated approach to functional genomics
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2000 - Year: 2000
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Topic: Others
2. Carpi A, Di Maira G, Vedovato M, Rossi V, Filippini F
In silico extraction of a complement of putative PTKs from the Arabidopsis proteome
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2002 - Year: 2002
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3. Rossi V, Picco R, Vacca M, D'Esposito M, D'Urso M, Filippini F
Comparative proteome bioinformatics of VAMP subfamilies
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2002 - Year: 2002
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4. Rossi V, Picco R, Vacca M, D'Urso M, D'Esposito M, Galli T, Filippini F
Novel sequence patterns specific to VAMP subfamilies
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
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Topic: Unspecified
5. Mazzocco G, Righetto I, Bertoldo D, Bernante F, Filippini F
Towards NERVE 2.0: creation and integration of the NERVE database
Meeting: Proceedings of BITS 2010 Meeting - Year: 2010
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Topic: Biological Databases and Biobanks

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